Opinion submissions should be sent to the opinion@voxbriefs.com

We do our best to respond as promptly as possible; if you have not received a response within seven days, you may assume it has been declined. We only consider finished pieces, not proposals to write.

Our word count requirement is between 600 and 1,000 words. The submission should be included in the body of the email and/or in an attached Microsoft Word document (no PDFS, please), and should include contact information for the author(s).

Submissions must be original and exclusive to VoxBriefs, with no portions of content published previously. Any relevant conflicts of interest must be made clear, if any exist, and all facts, figures and quotes should be reputably sourced via hyperlinks. Please be sure to include a brief, non-promotional bio that cites the author(s)’s relevant experience, such as past and current professional affiliations and publications. Contributors should focus on areas in which they have acknowledged expertise; submissions with more than three authors are unlikely to be accepted. We do not publish content that is self-promotional or ghostwritten.

Many factors are considered when we review submissions, including relevance, timeliness, the expertise of the author and the quality of writing. You may have submitted an excellent article but we may have published other pieces on the topic and/or have others in hand; an opinion piece that might be accepted one day could be declined the next. Submissions may be edited for content, style and space.